How does a Carpet Cleaner use Baking Soda?

George Czyzewski • September 4, 2019

Baking Soda has lots of applications, just not on your carpets.

Recently I posted a blog with reasons why you should not use baking soda on your carpets . Today's post will center on the many uses of baking soda that are far better than clogging up your vacuum and causing your carpets to get dirty quicker by using it on your carpets.

You might be surprised to know there are health benefits in addition to some of the everyday uses you may already have heard about.
uses for baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate can regulate pH

Sodium bicarbonate, the “official” term for baking soda, helps regulate pH. If baking soda mixes with either an acid or an alkaline substance it has a neutralizing effect on it.

Baking soda is perfect for neutralizing acidic odors and maintaining a neutral pH which is perfect for doing things like boosting your laundry detergent’s power. It also has a gentle abrasive ability to help scrub. In a nutshell, the uses for baking soda are many: It deodorizes, neutralizes, and cleans all without the toxic mess of most commercial products.

Every day uses for Baking Soda

1. Clean dirty fruit and veg with baking soda.
Put some on a damp sponge, scrub your produce and rinse.

2. Give hairbrushes a clean 
Soak hairbrushes and combs in a mixture of 1 teaspoon of baking soda and a small amount of warm water. Rinse and dry.

3. Use baking soda to scrub your BBQ grill
Keep your grill clean all summer long by putting some baking soda on a damp brush, scrubbing the grate, then rinsing.

4. Get whiter, brighter clothes with baking soda
Add 1 small cup of baking of soda to a load of laundry (along with your regular liquid detergent) to get clothes cleaner and brighter.

5. Remove stubborn food stains from pans
Remove baked-on residue by shaking a generous amount of baking soda on pots and pans. Then add hot water and dish detergent, let sit for 15 minutes and wash as usual.

6. Give floors a shine with baking soda
To brighten a dull floor finish, dissolve 3 to 4 ounces baking soda in a bucket of warm water. Mop and rinse for a shiny floor.

7. Make a natural homemade bathroom cleaner
Make your own bathroom scrub by mixing a couple ounces baking soda with 1 tablespoon liquid detergent. Add vinegar to give it a thick, creamy texture.

8. Clean appliances with baking soda
Clean the dishwasher and coffeemaker by running an empty cycle with baking soda. You can also do this with vinegar.

9. Make a DIY spa treatment at home
Add 3 to 4 ounces baking soda to your bath for an at-home spa treatment.

10. Polish tarnished silver with baking soda
To shine tarnished silver, combine three parts with one part water. Rub onto silver with a clean cloth or sponge. Rinse thoroughly and dry.

11. Keep litter box smells at bay with baking soda
Sprinkle bicarbonate of soda in the cat box, then add litter on top to keep smells to a minimum.

12. Exfoliate your skin with baking soda
Exfoliate your skin with a paste of 3 parts baking soda to one part water. Apply gently with your fingertips in a circular motion, then rinse.

13. Keep the toilet white and clean
To clean a toilet add 2oz baking soda to the bowl, swirl, then scrub.
Clean your toilet with baking soda
14. Make a homemade hair treatment
Mix a little baking soda into your conditioner and lather on your hair to keep it healthy and resistant to split ends.

15. Kill garden weeds naturally with baking soda
Discourage weeds by sprinkling baking soda into the cracks on your driveway and walkways.

16. Clean your toothbrush with baking soda
Soak toothbrushes in a mixture of 2oz baking soda and 1/4 pint) water; let brushes stand overnight for a thorough cleaning.
Clean your toothbrush with Baking Soda
17. Clean the microwave with baking soda
Put baking soda on a clean damp sponge cleans gently inside and outside the microwave and never leaves a harsh chemical smell. Rinse well with water.

18. Make a fluffy omelet with baking soda?
Can you make a fluffier omelet? Jeff Potter from Cooking for Geeks has some interesting thoughts on this.

19. Make marvelous mouthwash with baking soda
Gargle with bicarb to freshen your breath and keep your teeth healthy.

20. Get rid of dandruff
Lay off the shampoo for a few weeks and massage your wet scalp with a handful of baking soda instead.

21. Ice-proof your driveway with baking soda
Scatter it on icy paths and driveways, it’s not as corrosive as salt.

22. Make a cheap bath soak
Add 2oz of baking soda to your bath to neutralize acids on the skin and help wash away oil and perspiration, it also makes your skin feel very soft.

23. Unblock drains with bicarbonate of soda
Pour in 4oz baking soda followed by 4 fl oz hot vinegar to quickly unclog the kitchen drain.

24. Stop bins smelling with baking soda
Sprinkle on the bottom of your bin to keep stinky smells at bay.

25. Whiten your teeth naturally
Mix baking soda, strawberries and lemon juice together for a natural whitening agent. Combine the ingredients and use to brush your teeth.

26. Whiten yellow nails with baking soda
Leaving nail polish on too long can leave nails looking yellow. Get rid of stains by mixing baking soda and a very small amount of peroxide and scrubbing it on your nails.

27. Keep windshields clear with baking soda
Wipe a damp cloth sprinkled with baking soda onto your windshield to repel rain.

28. Make a natural face mask
Avoid spot breakouts by making your own facemask. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of water. Splash your face with warm water then apply the mask liberally. Once dry gently wipe of with a warm wet flannel.

9. Clean Tupperware and other food containers with baking soda
If storing too many packed lunches, pasta sauces or curries has left your plastic food boxes looking discolored and grimy - once again, it's baking soda to the rescue! Sprinkle a clean sponge with baking soda and give them a bit of elbow grease.

30. Clean your kitchen with baking soda
From worktops to the fridge, the sink and even your cooking utensils, you can clean the whole kitchen naturally with a mixture of baking soda and warm water.

31. Clean your sponges for reuse
If your cleaning sponges are a bit sad or smelly, leave them to soak in warm water and baking soda and give them a good rinse through in the morning.

32. Clean a pet bed with baking soda
If your dog or cat bed is a bit smelly, sprinkle it with baking soda, let it sit for 15 minutes, then vacuum it up.

33. Stop shoes smelling with bicarb
Sprinkle baking soda into stinky trainers - and even your whole gym bag - and leave it. Just tap it out when you next need to use them.

34. Make your own shampoo
Many swear by the simplicity of baking soda as shampoo that’s finished off with an Apple Cider Vinegar rinse. Learn more about ‘No Pooing Method'.

Health Benefits of Baking Soda

DISCLAIMER: Air Fresh Cleaning Systems, and its partners assume no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content and claims of this site. The information contained in this site is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness. We are not medical professionals and you should seek the advice and treatment from a trained medical professional before applying any treatment you find here or anywhere on the internet.
In addition to all those wonderful every day uses for baking soda there are many health benefits to think about as well. The above list shows many ways you can eliminate chemicals from your life in cleaning, deodorizing, tooth brushing and even shampooing. If you are chemically sensitive these ideas are almost lifesaving. But even if you aren’t chemically sensitive, you’re probably still looking for ways to minimize your exposure to chemicals. Below are some imaginative ways to use baking soda for better health without having to go to the pharmacy.
1. Treat Heartburn
Heartburn is also known as acid reflux. It is a painful, burning sensation that rises in the upper region of your stomach and can spread up into your throat. It is caused by acid refluxing out of the stomach and up your esophagus, the tube that connects your stomach to your mouth. A few common causes of reflux are overeating, stress and eating greasy or spicy foods. Baking soda can help treat heartburn by neutralizing stomach acid. Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of cold water and drink the mixture slowly.

2. Mouthwash
Mouthwash is a great addition to a good oral hygiene routine. It reaches corners of your mouth and crevices of your teeth, gums and tongue that may be missed during brushing. Many use baking soda as a replacement for mouthwash. It can help freshen your breath and provides antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. The recipe for baking soda mouthwash is simple. Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to half a glass of warm water, and then swish as usual.

3. Soothe Canker Sores
Canker sores are small, painful ulcers that can form inside your mouth. Unlike cold sores, canker sores do not form on the lips and aren’t contagious. Research has found that baking soda mouthwash is great for soothing pain caused by canker sores. You can make baking soda mouthwash using the recipe in the above. Rinse your mouth with this mixture once a day until the canker sore heals.

4. Whiten Your Teeth
Baking soda is a popular home remedy for whitening teeth. Many studies have found that toothpaste containing baking soda is better for whitening teeth and removing plaque than toothpaste without baking soda. This is likely because baking soda has mild abrasive properties that let it break the bonds of molecules that stain the teeth. It also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that can help fight harmful bacteria.

5. Deodorant
Surprisingly, human sweat is odorless. Sweat only gains an odor after it is broken down by bacteria in your armpits. These bacteria convert your sweat into acidic waste products that give sweat its odor. Baking soda can eliminate the smell of sweat by making the odors less acidic. Try patting baking soda onto your armpits and you may notice the difference.

6. May Improve Exercise Performance
Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a popular supplement among athletes. Some studies show that baking soda can help you perform at your peak for longer, especially during anaerobic exercises like high-intensity training and sprinting. During high-intensity exercise, your muscle cells start producing lactic acid, which is responsible for the burning feeling you get during exercise. Lactic acid also lowers the pH inside your cells, which may cause your muscles to tire. Baking soda has a high pH, which may help delay fatigue, allowing you to exercise at your peak for longer. For example, one study found that people who took baking soda exercised for an average of 4.5 minutes longer than people who didn’t take baking soda.

7. Relieve Itchy Skin and Sunburns
A baking soda bath is often recommended to soothe itchy skin. These baths are especially effective at soothing itches from bug bites and bee stings. Additionally, baking soda may help soothe itching from sunburns. It seems more effective when combined with other ingredients like cornstarch and oatmeal. To make a baking soda bath, add 1–2 cups of baking soda to a lukewarm bath. Make sure the affected area is soaked thoroughly. For more specific areas, you can create a paste with baking soda and a bit of water. Apply a thick layer of paste to the affected area.

8. May Treat Calluses
Calluses are hard, rough patches of skin that are caused by longtime friction or pressure. Activities that typically cause calluses are frequent walking, gardening or sports. While calluses aren’t necessarily serious, they can cause pain and discomfort when applying pressure. Interestingly, studies have found that soaking calluses in a baking soda bath may help soften them, remove any scales and reduce discomfort.

9. May Slow the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease
People with chronic kidney disease (CKD) slowly lose function of their kidneys. The kidneys are incredibly important because they help remove excess waste and water from the blood. At the same time, they help balance important minerals like potassium, sodium and calcium. Research shows that baking soda may help slow the progression of CKD. In a study including 134 adults with CKD, it was found that those taking sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) supplements were 36% less likely to rapidly develop kidney failure than people who did not take the supplements.  

10. May Improve Certain Cancer Treatments
Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. It is often treated with chemotherapy, which works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. Normally, cancer cells grow and divide at a rapid rate. Some research shows that baking soda could help chemotherapy medicines work more effectively. Baking soda may make the environment for tumors less acidic, which benefits chemotherapy treatments. However, the evidence is limited to preliminary indications from animal and cell studies, so more human-based research is needed. I am not a doctor and you should always consult with one before you make any decisions on self-treatment of any disease or helth related illness.

11. Air Freshener
I’ve posted about green room deodorizers previously. Not all commercial air fresheners eliminate bad odors. Instead, some simply release fragrance molecules that mask bad smells. In addition, fewer than 10% of air fresheners tell you what they contain. This can be problematic if you are sensitive to chemicals that may be found in them. Baking soda is an excellent and safe alternative to commercial air fresheners. It interacts with odor particles and neutralizes them, rather than masking them.

To create a baking soda air freshener, you will need:
  • A small jar
  • 1/3 cup baking soda
  • 10–15 drops of your favorite essential oils
  • A piece of cloth or paper
  • String or ribbon
Add the baking soda and essential oils to the jar. Cover it with the cloth or paper, and then secure it in place with the string. Poke some holes in the cloth or paper. When the scent starts to fade, give the jar a shake.


We are chemicals. Our friends are chemicals.  Our babies are chemicals. The air we breathe contain chemicals. The food we consume are chemicals that are digested by chemicals that turn them into more chemicals. The word chemical is not a bad word nor are all chemicals bad. But we ARE being exposed to chemicals that are not good for us.

The focus of my business, Air Fresh Cleaning Systems, and some of my blogs are to offer alternatives so that we can all reduce our use of and exposure to chemicals that are not good for us.

I hope you find this blog helpful and if you have any thoughts about this post I welcome your feedback.
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